Kiesha Morgan is from Chicago, Illinois and is forty-five years old. She has three wonderful children Ajsha, Ahniya, and Arjon. She is a cat lover in which having 7 cats as her lovely pets. Her favorite hobby is painting, writing, and party planning. Kiesha was invloved in dancing when she was in school and attended Winona Senior High and graduated. She has been involoved in many plays and events and continue to show her skills. Kiesha contuinues to help others in need and make a greater community for minorities.
Ajsha Morgan is from Winona, Minnesota. She is twenty years old. Her favorite hobby is painting, dancing, and drawing. She graduated from Winona Senior High and was involved in ballet when she was young. She is African American and she has seven siblings. Ajsha has been in multple events and shows her great skills. Ajsha continues to shine and show positivity to the people she care most.