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Bluffview Capital Group

Meet Our Amazing Team

Andrew Fischer Headshot

Andrew Fischer

Andrew is the founder and CEO of Bluffview Capital Group. He founded Bluffview Capital Group in 2008, coming out of the housing crisis. Over the past two decades, he has developed a strong track record of investing in multifamily assets. He is highly passionate about all things real estate, and is highly motivated to bring the best offerings for investors.

Dylan Westcott Headshot

Dylan Westcott

Dylan is the Senior Vice President and Chief Operations Officer of Bluffview Capital Group. He has worked with the company for 12 years, and has led the investing team in closing over $56 million dollars in assets. Dylan is passionate about offering exceptional services for Bluffview's investors and creating relationships along the way.

Cameron Weber Headshot

Cameron Weber

Cameron is the Senior Vice President of Investments. He has managed $45 million dollars in acquisitions with the Bluffview team. Cameron is one of the original members of the Bluffview team. He received the keys to the city for the city of Winona in 2023, for his efforts of community outreach and outstnding achievement within the community.

Nolan Olszewski Headshot

Nolan Olszewski

Nolan is the CFO of Bluffview Capital Group. He is in charge of allocating funds for deals and he also oversees lead underwriting and due dilligence for the Bluffview team. Nolan has been with the Bluffview team for 7 years. He received his M.B.A. from Harvard University, along with a Masters of Business Finance from Yale University.

Seth Gonring Headshot

Seth Gonring

Seth is the head attorney for Bluffview Capital Group. He has been involved in the legal specifications of over 2,500+ units. He has worked alongside the Bluffview team since their begining in 2008, and has collaborated alongside CEO Andrew Fischer since their college days together at Saint Mary's University of Minnesota.

Lucas Henderson Headshot

Lucas Henderson

Lucas is the head of risk management and due dilligence for Bluffview Capital Group. He has been employed by Bluffview for 6 years, and during his time with Bluffview he has been at the front of over 2,500+ unit acquisitions. He received his Certified Risk Management Professional (RIMS-CRMP) certification from UCLA.

TJ Bergland Headshot

TJ Bergland

TJ is in charge of investor relations and public relations for Bluffview Capital Group. He is the face of communication with investors and potential partners for the company. He has been on the Bluffview team for 8 years, and during his time implemented the development of the new investor portal.

Derek Sonmore Headshot

Derek Sonmore

Derek is in charge of the graphic design and photography for Bluffview Capital Group. He is also in charge of all of the social media applications for the company. He does an excellent job of getting Bluffview's name out to the public, and promoting new deals that come to market. Without him, new listings and offerings wouldn't meet our potential investors.

Tyson Sirek Headshot

Tyson Sirek

Tyson is the CMO for Bluffview Capital Group. He is in charge of all the marketing activity for Bluffview. He received his Masters in Marketing from the University of Kansas. He has been apart of the Bluffview team for 2 years, and during his time he has reshaped the marketing department within the organization.