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Welcome to RoboWars Club

A haven for creativity would be a good way to describe the vibe of our team. We love fresh, new ideas backed up by hardworking, disciplined individuals. Upon joining, members will shadow the team and get a glimpse of the process we follow to build our machines. Then, through learning the concepts and adapting to the group, they will gradually start to contribute to the team's projects and even start proposing their own innovative plans. The team participates in a very competitive robot fighting league. For this reason, we urge STEM students especially to join this program and help keep our machines at a high functioning level. However, students from any major are eligible to join. In some cases, students in a completely different field still manage to succeed in this environment, offering their unique perspective to the table. So what are you waiting for? The RoboWars championship won't win itself. Sign up now and be apart of this year's success.

All eyes on the 2024 Vex Robotics World Championship

Date: April 25 - May 03, 2024

Location: Dallas, Texas

Qualification Points: A minimum of 250 points required to enter

The VEX Robotics Competition, presented by the Robotics Education & Competition Foundation, is the largest and fastest growing college robotics program globally with more than 20,000 teams from 50 countries playing in over 1,700 competitions worldwide. Each year, an exciting engineering challenge is presented in the form of a game.

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